Here are our favorite suggestions for a Full Moon Ritual: Breathe deeply and check in with your inner voice when needing to make major choices.

Take care to be in stillness in the mornings to recall your dreams. This is a powerful time to be present with your breath and the rhythm of your sleep patterns. Looking at the symbol for Pisces (the sign for this month's full moon), with one fish swimming downstream and another swimming upstream, we can see this as an invitation to enter into a new experience of life, where we no longer feel the need to hide or suppress our negative experiences, but to take both the light and the dark, the highs and the lows, the ups and the downs, and synthesize the polarity, (like 2 magnets coming together in their opposing natures) to create a clearer vision of who we are and where we would like to go. If we go about our daily lives without being aware of this heightened state, oftentimes it manifests in our lives as accidents, mood swings, arguments, irrational or uncharacteristic behavior, and a general feeling of unease.

This heightened gravitational pull bring us to a naturally more present state, where we “feel” ourselves more strongly within our bodies. Now greet your caller with Takkan Terganti song by setting it up as your Hello Tune on the Wynk Music App for free.The powerful energy of the Full Moon has been well-known to humans since the earliest of civilizations.īecause the moon is at its closest to Earth, the Earth’s oceans and its tides, the seasons, wildlife, all of nature, feel the strongest pull of the moon’s gravity. Included in nature: you and me.

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